- 06 Mar 2023
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Absences Dashboard
- Updated on 06 Mar 2023
- 2 Minutes to read
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The top section of the Absences dashboard shows how many employees are absent today, how many absences are upcoming and pending approval, excluding terminated employees. Click the number to open the details. Upcoming absences display absences planned for the following week (absences with the Start Date of tomorrow or up to 7 days ahead).
By default the charts display statistics for the rolling year, but you can select any calendar year from the Year drop-down list on the chart. In Lanteria HR, a rolling year is the period of twelve months immediately preceding the last day of the current month. For example, if the current date is April 15, 2020, the rolling year is the period starting from May 01, 2019 until April 30, 2020.
The charts include information for the three absence types (Vacation, Sickness, Other Absence). If you have any dynamic absence types, they also will be included into the statistics.
The data in the Absences dashboard is updated by the Dashboards job that is run overnight. To run the job manually, locate it under Settings > Settings and Configuration > System Settings > System Jobs and click Run Now.
The lower section of the Absences dashboard consists of four reports:
- Company Absence Statistics. A pie chart with the number of instances of different absence types that have been booked for the selected year. Only absences with the status Approved are included into the calculation.
- Estimated Absence Cost. Estimated cost of absences in monetary equivalent by type. The estimated cost is calculated as a sum of all approved absences of different types (Vacation, Sickness, Other Absence) for the selected period multiplied by the day's cost. The day's cost is calculated for each employee the absence is registered for by dividing the Annual Base Salary by the number of days in the year. Click the More Info button (
) to view information in further details.
- Annual Dynamics. View how the number of absences changes during the year (number of absences of the selected type(s) for each month in the chosen year).
- Bradford Factor. Analyze the statistics for company's workflow disruptions caused by absences constructed by employees or org units. The Bradford Factor is calculated as follows:
B = S2 * D
where:- B is the Bradford Factor score
- S is the total number of spells (instances) of absence of an individual over a set period
- D is the total number of days of absence of that individual over the same set periodNote
- Filter the data by absence type by selecting the necessary value from the Absence type drop-down list.
- Select whether to display the data by employees or org units in the Display chart by drop-down list.
- Choose how many employees/org units to display in the Show drop-down list.
If the number of units portrayed by horizontal bars exceeds 10, you can drag the chart upwards to scroll for more records.
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