Change Development Activity Expiration Date
  • 29 May 2023
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Change Development Activity Expiration Date

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Article summary

The development activity expiration date is defined automatically based on the learning material Validity Days and Expiration Date. However, you can manually change the expiration of any development activity, if required. Follow these steps to modify the development activity expiration date:

  1. Locate the development activity in the employee's Personal Development Plan (in the employee card, click the Learning tab and then the Development Plan option) or any report on development activities (for example, Development Activities Report).
  2. In the Personal Development Plan, click Actions Assignment Details for the development activity. If you are changing the expiration date from the report, click the activity name to open the assignment details. 
  3. Click Edit on the bottom of the form that opens.
  4. In the Expiration Date field, specify the date when the development activity will expire. 

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