- 09 May 2023
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Company Overview Dashboard
- Updated on 09 May 2023
- 3 Minutes to read
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The Company Overview dashboard displays the basic data from the Core HR module. It consists of four reports: Number of Employees by Month, employee FTE, Employment Types, and Company Figures.
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- The Number of Employees by Month chart that shows how the number of employees changed from month to month in the selected year. You can select any calendar year from the Year drop-down list at the top of the chart to view the number of employees in every month of that year, or select All to view data for all years shown per year, or select Rolling Year to view the number of employees by month for the rolling year. In Lanteria HR, a rolling year is the period of twelve months immediately preceding the last day of the current month. For example, if the current date is April 15, 2020, the rolling year is the period starting from May 01, 2019 until April 30, 2020.NoteData for the current month is taken from the Employees list and includes both active and inactive employees. Data for the previous months is based on the Employment History list and on this list only. This means that to have correct information in the Number of Employees per Month report, there must be full information in the Employment History list. For the employee to be counted by the report as currently active, there must be at least one record for him/her in the employment history (new hire, job position change, whatever). If there are no records for the employee, such employee “does not exist” for the Number of Employees by Month report.
For example, if you terminate an employee in Lanteria HR, the termination record is created in the employment history of this employee. That is, next month we’ll have -1 employee. But if the employment history for this employee was empty (there was no record about new hire/transfer), we’ll have no changes next month, since this employee wasn’t counted as active by the report.
- The Employment Types chart that displays a pie chart of the distribution of employment types between the currently active employees.NoteThe data for this chart is taken from the Employees list.
- The Employee FTE chart that shows the actual number of employees compared to FTE in each country, location, org unit or company. The displayed chart name depends on the selected company structure. If the number of units portrayed by horizontal bars exceeds 10, you can drag the chart upwards to scroll for more records. Calculations are based on data taken from employee history records.Note
- Select the Show Additional Assignments check box to include additional assignments data into the chart.
- Select whether to display data by countries, org units, companies or locations in the Company Structure drop-down list.
- The Company Figures chart that gives a summary of basic figures for the company. It displays the following information:
- Companies – a general number of all the companies (Settings and Configuration > Core HR, the Advanced tab, Companies).
- Countries – a number of all the countries the company is operating in (Settings and Configuration > Core HR > Countries).
- Locations - a number of all the locations the company is operating in (Settings and Configuration > Core HR > Locations).
- Org Units – a number of all the active organizational units (Settings and Configuration > Core HR > Org Units).
- Job Positions - a number of all the active job positions currently available in Lanteria HR (Settings and Configuration > Core HR, the Advanced tab, Positions).
- Employees – a number of the currently active employees (Core HR > Employees). Active employees are all the employees in the Employee Database who are not terminated.
- FTE - Main Assignments – a sum of all the FTE amounts from the main job positions for all the active employees.NoteMain position is a job position assigned to an employee with the Assignment Type set to Main Position.
- FTE - All Assignments - a sum of all the FTE amounts from the main and additional job positions for all the active employees.
- Vacant Positions – calculated as a sum of the Planned FTE for all the job positions minus FTE - Main Assignments. Planned FTE for job positions can be checked in the Structure Report ( Reports > Report Center > Core HR).
- Starters – a number of all the starters who didn’t start working yet.
- Pending Terminations – a number of terminations with the future termination date.