Copy Job Opening
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Copy Job Opening

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Article summary

Job openings can be created by copying an existing job. All the data will be copied to a newly created job opening, but for:

  • Start Date and Due Date
  • Candidates

To create a job opening by copying, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Recruiting > Job Openings.
  2. Select a job opening to be copied and click Actions > Copy Job Opening.
  3. Confirm creating a new job opening.
  4. On the Copy Job Opening page that opens, check and edit the job opening information. Click Save to finish creating the job opening.

A copy of the job opening will be created at the end of the job openings list. Its name will consist of the original job name and the word _Copy. You can edit the job opening further according to your needs.

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