Edit Job Opening
  • 07 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Edit Job Opening

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Article summary

To edit a job opening in the HR role, in the Job Openings or in the Job Opening Details window, click Actions next to the job opening that you want to change, and then click Actions > Edit

In the Manager role, go to My Job Openings, and then click Actions > Edit for a job opening you want to edit or open the job opening details, and then click Actions > Edit.

In the Manager role, you'll be able to edit only job openings requested by yourself.

In the Edit window, make changes in the fields just as when you create a job opening. Additionally, in the HR role, you can attach files if necessary: click +Add in the Attachments section, and then choose a file to attach.

Attaching files to a job opening is not allowed for the Manager or Recruiting Manager role.

Click Save when you are done editing the job opening.

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