Employee Competencies
  • 20 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Employee Competencies

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Article summary

The employee competencies are available from the employee card and can be assessed during the performance review or during the ongoing employee assessment. To check the employee competencies and the current assessment, open the employee card and click Performance > Competencies from the ribbon.

The employee competencies are split into the two groups: 

  • Job competencies - assigned automatically based on job role. These are the competencies set up as required for the employee's job role.  
  • Personal competencies - optional competencies manually assigned to employees

To view only job competencies, select the Current Job Competencies radio button. Select All Competencies to also view the manually added optional competencies.

You can view only competencies belonging to a specific competency area by selecting the corresponding tab next to All.

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