Employee Competency Report
  • 22 Apr 2024
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Employee Competency Report

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Article summary

The Employee Competency Report shows the competency statistics per employee. Go to Reports > Report Center > Performance > Employee Competency Report to view the employee summary information. 

For each employee, the report shows the following information:

  • Total Competencies – the total number of competencies assigned to the employee, including the competencies required for the employee job role and competencies assigned to the employee personally
  • Average Score (Total) – average score for all the employee competencies
  • By Job Profile – the number of competencies that are required for the employee job role
  • Average Score (By Job Profile) – the average score for the competencies required for the employee job role
  • Optional – the number of optional competencies or competencies assigned to the employee on the individual basis
  • Last Assessed – the date when the employee was last assessed
  • Details - click View to see the detailed competencies/assessment of an individual employee 

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