  • 17 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Article summary

Use the filtering section to only display records that meet specific criteria that you specify by setting filters. Select the criteria that you are interested in, and click View to apply the filter.

img022(1)The filter consists of two parts: a page-specific set of filters and an additional set of filters, which is the same for all pages where the filters are used.


The page-specific page set of filters is different for each page. For example, for the HR Processes page, it offers limiting table records by a specific process template and to only display active processes.

The Additional Filter set is the same for all the pages. Click the Additional Filter link to expand or collapse the filter. It consists of the filters included by your system administrator. The Additional Filter set normally includes:

  • Country - Filter data by a specific country 
  • Location - Filter data by a specific location
  • Department - Filter data by a specific department
  • Team - Filter data by a specific team
  • Management - Filter data by a specific management unit
  • Other Units - Filter data by a specific unit other than country, location, department, team, or management, depending on the units used in your organization.
  • Include Terminated Employees - Specify whether you want to see data for terminated employees
  • Include Sub OrgUnits - Specify whether you want to also see data for subordinate organizational units
  • Include Inactive Employees - Specify whether you want to see data for employees that are currently set as inactive

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