General Report Overview
  • 17 May 2023
  • 4 Minutes to read
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General Report Overview

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Article summary

The following tables give an overview of all the general (out-of-the-box) reports available from the Report Center or specific modules. The reports are grouped by the modules they belong to:

Core HR and Compensation

Access the Core HR and Compensation reports by clicking Reports > Report Center > Core HR.

Audit Log ReportTracks the activity of employees in Lanteria HR, such as which pages were opened, when, in which role, etc.
Bonus ReportGives statistics on all the allocated bonuses and their payment status.
Employee BirthdaysShows employee birthday dates by month.
Equality and Diversity Report Displays statistics for the company employee genders, nationalities, age and disability.
Headcount Turnover ReportShows how the number of employees changed during  the selected period of time.
Length of Employment ReportShows the distribution of employees' seniority by 6-months intervals.
Organizational Changes ReportGives overview of all the hires, terminations, promotions and rotations in the company.
Salary Budget Analysis Compares the budget amount to the defined salaries. 
Salary PlanShows salary budget for the organizational units. Here you can plan the salary and bonuses for each position.
Salary SheetDisplays individual employee salaries along with the additional payments.
Staff Dates ReportShows the employees’ start working date, probation date, leave date, and finish date.
Structure ReportShows the positions per organizational unit belonging to the selected entity (country, etc.).
Termination StatisticDisplays the list of terminated employees along with termination details for the period you specify using the Start Date and End Date fields.

Time and Attendance

To open the Time and Attendance reports, click Reports > Report Center > Time and Attendance.

Absence Records Report
Gives overview of the absences for the selected period.
Absence ScheduleDisplays the schedule of various employee absences for the selected period.
Employee Absence SummaryShows the absence statistics per employee.
Out of Office CalendarShows the list of employees who are absent on a specific date and when they are to be back.
Pending Absence RequestsReports on all pending employee absences. The users can approve or reject them here.
Timesheet ReportHelps to analyze the time an employee has spent on various projects and activities within the selected period.
Vacation StatisticDisplays the statistics for the taken and remaining holidays, along with the carried over vacation time, expired vacation and extra time off.


Access the Recruiting reports by clicking Reports > Report Center > Recruiting.

Time to Hire Report Helps to analyze time it has taken to hire candidates and close job openings.
Opens the Job Openings page with the list of currently created job openings.
Referrals Report Gives an overview of all the candidates recommended by the company employees.


Open the Performance reports by clicking Reports > Report Center > Performance.

Competency DescriptionsShows full corporate set of competencies with their descriptions.
Competency Report Displays an overview of competency scores per employee.
Employee Feedback Report Gives an overview of personal feedback that employees give to each other, including manager comments, and employee feedback statistics.
Check-Ins ReportShows statistics on check-ins (ongoing one-to-one conversations between a manager and an employee).
Career GoalsGives an overview of the employee career goals. The goals can be modified from this report.
Competency Assessment Analysis Displays the statistics for the current competency levels for organizational units, employees or competencies.
Competency Statistics by Job Profiles Shows statistics of using competencies in different job profiles.
Employee Competency ReportGives the competency statistics per employee.
Employee Objectives ReportShows an overview of personal employee goals, such as the total number of objectives and the status of completion.
Goal Map Shows how the company, department and employee goals are aligned together using the Goal Map.
KPI ReportDisplays KPI results for the employees or organizational units, depending on what you select in the filter section.
OrgUnit Goals ReportShows statistics for organizational unit goals and how the department goals are aligned with the company goals.
Performance Trend Chart

Displays the performance trends per performance review type for the selected period.

Succession SummaryShows all the employees for whose job role the Succession Required check box was selected. You can see the successors for each employee in the Successors column.


Access the Learning reports by clicking Reports > Report Center > Learning.

Training Budget ReportHelps to check the balances of the training budgets.
Classroom Activities and Trainers ReportShows the schedule of each internal trainer for the specified period.
Expiring Certificates Displays the information on certificates with expiration date falling within the selected period of time.
Learning Expiration Report Gives the information on learning materials and development activities that expire within the selected period of time.
Development Activities by Employee  Offers the information on all the employee development activities (assigned, but not started, in process and completed) for the selected period. Development activities are grouped by employee.
Development Activities Report Displays the list of development activities and their statuses.
Development Needs ReportReports on the employee development need statuses, due dates and so on.
External Training ReportShows the information on all external training assigned to employees.
Learner ReportGives the learning information for each employee, including development activities, average score, certificates, development needs and training requests.
Learning Materials Report Displays all learning materials available in the Learning Catalog. For each learning material, you can see the list of employees who are working with it or have it completed during the selected period.
Required Training ReportShows the data on required training scores and whether any training is missing.
Training Feedback ReportGives an overview of the employee feedback scores for training activities and trainers.
Training RequestsHelps to view and approve the employee training requests (for the trainings with the Request Required check box selected).

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