Interview Results and Candidates Assessment in the Local HR role
  • 04 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Interview Results and Candidates Assessment in the Local HR role

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Article summary

Local HR can record the results of interviews with candidates for job openings, assess candidates, and view interview ranking just like HR:

  • Record interview results. The interview form is generated for employees selected as applicant interviewers. All generated interview forms are available on the Interview Stage Details page. To open it in the Local HR role, go to LHR Recruiting > Job Openings, select the title of the job opening to open the Job Opening Details page, go to Interview Stages tab, click Details for the particular interview stage, and then proceed like in the HR role.

  • Assess candidates for a job opening by filling in summary rating and competency assessment during the interview.

  • View interview results for every candidate on the Candidate Ranking page. In the Local HR role, go to LHR Recruiting > Job Openings, select a job opening, and then select Actions > Ranking.

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