Job Description Approval
  • 25 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Job Description Approval

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Article summary

The approval processes functionality is used when you create or modify a job profile, and get it approved.

The Job Description Approval Workflow is a built-in approval process in Lanteria HR. Changing the predefined setup of this process is not recommended. However, you can customize the Job Description approval workflow within this approval process according to your company's policies.

Create an approval request to change or create a job description (job profile)

Follow these steps to to create an approval request to create or modify a job description:

  1. Go to My Details > My Approval Requests (Employee role) or Core HR > Approval Requests (HR role) or LHR Core HR > Approval Requests (in the Local HR role). 
  2. Click Start Approval Process Job Description Approval Workflow to create a job description change/creation request. 
  3. If you plan to create a new job role and job profile for it, select the New Job Request check box. In this case, a new job role will be created when the approval process is finalized.
  4. If you are creating or modifying a job profile for an existing job role, select it from the drop-down list in the Job Role field.
  5. Enter the main purpose for the job role in the Job Purpose field. The information will be displayed in the Job Purpose field of the Job Profile.
  6. Click Save.

Fill in information about new/changed job description and send it for approval

The next step is filling in the initial information for the job profile and sending it for approval.

  1. Go to My Details > My Approval Requests (Employee role) or Core HR > Approval Requests (HR role) or LHR Core HR > Approval Requests (in the Local HR role), and locate the newly created request.
  2. Click View Form next to your request or the request you want to edit/fill in/approve/reject. 
  3. Use the Add buttons to add new records and the Edit links to modify the existing ones. The modifications made to the profile will be marked with different colors for the approvers to see what changed. The key is located at the bottom of the form.
    • White – existing records that were not modified
    • Green – newly added records
    • Yellow – modified records
    • Red – deleted records
  4. To edit the job role itself, click the Edit Job Role button at the top of the form. 
  5. To view the history of approvals and comments, click Approval/Comments History at the top of the form. 
  6. To launch the approval process after filling in the form, click Approve/Reject at the top of the form, type the necessary comments into the Comments field, and click Request Approval. The request will be sent for approval. 
  7. The approvers can view the form, modify it and approve it in a similar way: go to My Details > My Approval Requests (Employee role) or Core HR > Approval Requests (HR role) or LHR Core HR > Approval Requests (in the Local HR role), and then click View Form on the job description approval workflow request. When the approver clicks Approve/Reject on the form, the following dialog window will be shown where they can approve the request (by clicking Approve), reject it (by clicking Reject) or request changes (by clicking Request Change). You can also approve and skip all the further approval steps by clicking Stop Process. The request will be autoapproved. 

After all responsible people approve the job profile, the changes will be applied to the job profile and become available under Performance > Competence > Job Profiles. If the New Job Request check box was selected when launching the approval process, a new job role will be created and become available for use.

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