Lanteria HR Mobile App
  • 29 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Lanteria HR Mobile App

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Article summary

Lanteria HR mobile app has been designed for the Lanteria HR solution as an alternative way to access your desktop version of Lanteria HR from a mobile device. The Lanteria HR app is free to install on both iOS and Android.

Download the Lanteria HR app:

Google Play Market

App Store (only for iPhone and iPad)

In Lanteria HR, the signed in employee can access the following information:

  • Employee’s details
  • Employee’s documents
  • Employee’s approvals
  • Employee’s absences and out-of-office calendar
  • Feedback related to the employee
  • Company, org unit and employee goals

The employee can perform the following activities from the Lanteria HR app:

  • Update some employee’s details
  • Perform actions with approvals (approve/reject, view approval details, view approval history).
  • Register absences
  • Upload missing documents
  • Give or request feedback

For information on how to use the Lanteria HR mobile app, refer to this topic.


Information that can be accessed from the Lanteria HR app, as well as functions available in the app, is subject to change and planned to be expanded.


To use this app, ensue that the following requirements are met:

  • You company must have the Lanteria HR system installed and running.
  • The version of Lanteria HR to which you are going to connect with this app must be 4.4.125 or later.
  • For the iOS version of the app, it is mandatory that the target Lanteria HR uses Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). For the Android version, both HTTP and HTTPS are supported.
  • By default, the Lanteria HR app will be able to connect to a Lanteria HR system with out-of-the-box features. If your company’s Lanteria HR has customization, the app may not be able to connect to such a system. In this case, we recommend that you contact the Lanteria HR support to clarify how to get access from the Lanteria HR app to your specific customized Lanteria HR solution.

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