Learning Material Expiration and Versions
  • 22 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Learning Material Expiration and Versions

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Article summary

The learning materials and, accordingly, the completed development activities can expire. If a learning material has the expiration date specified, it will be considered as expired after this date. This means that:

  • Assigning such learning material to employees and creating training requests for it will be unavailable

  • Such material cannot be assigned to employees as a part of curriculum

  • Scheduling training events will be unavailable for the expired learning material of the Classroom Training type (with the Event Required check box selected)

  • The expired material won't be displayed in the Learning Material picker

  • Development activities will not be automatically created for the expired learning material by the Assign Mandatory Trainings Job

The completed development activities based on the expired training will have the Expired status in the employee GradeBook and Required Compliance Trainings will be set to missing. However, the development activities can be set up to expire even for the active learning materials. This is achieved by defining the Validity Days in the learning material properties. Also, if a learning material has been updated and the employees for whom it is a required training must get acquainted with a new version, the learning material version can be changed. The required course will be displayed as Missing in this case.

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