  • 04 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Article summary

An employee performance check-in, which is also simply referred to as check-in, is an ongoing performance conversation or one-to-one meeting between an employee and the employee's manager where they can give/receive information and feedback about any topics, related to the employee's performance or career development, such as employee's goals, tasks, achievements, next career steps, advice, etc. Employee performance check-ins are an alternative way of ongoing performance management. Check-ins are independent of other performance management tools in Lanteria HR, such as performance reviews, 360 Feedback reviews, or employee feedback. Although, employee feedback if it was received by the employee, is shown on the Check-in page for information purposes. Check-ins provide the managers with the ability to have robust, ongoing conversations with employees about how they are performing.

Employee performance check-ins are organized in the form of check-in sessions, which can be started and ended by the manager at any time. During a check-in session, the manager and the employee provide comments to each other on the topics of that check-in session. The check-in topics can be prepared before the check-in session (by both the employee and the manager) or added during the check-in session (only by the manager). The manager marks the completion % of each topic so that the check-in participants could see the progress of the discussion. The manager can end a check-in session even if it still has active (incomplete) check-in topics – in this case, the active check-in topics will be added to the pool of topics for the next check-in session. The employee's role is to take responsibility for what they need from the manager as their supervisor. While the manager's responsibility is to provide support and add value that helps the employee perform well. However, it is up you to decide, depending on your organization's business needs, how often these check-in sessions will take place, for how long, and what kind of topics will be discussed.

Additionally, both the manager and the employee can provide overall check-in comments, i.e. comments not related to any particular check-in topic.

In the HR or Local HR role, you can oversee the check-ins as well as take part if necessary. However, normally, the ongoing performance conversions in the form of check-ins are intended for a manager and the manager's employee.

Check-ins that have already been ended are still available for review in the read-only mode if necessary.

In this chapter, you will learn how to:

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