Main Menu
  • 06 Mar 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Main Menu

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Article summary

The system's main menu consists of Main Menu Tabs to navigate between modules and Second-Level Menus to navigate within the modules.

The main menu changes depending on the employee role that is currently selected. The following menus are available for basic Lanteria HR roles.



The HR menu offers tabs for access to the following Lanteria HR modules:

  • Core HR that is used to establish the company's org structure, job roles and positions, work with employee database, HR processes, documents and notifications
  • Time and Attendance that is used to check and fill in employees' absences and timesheets
  • Compensation that is used to manage salaries and bonuses of employees
  • Recruiting that is used to create vacancies and work with candidates
  • Performance that is used to launch and track employee performance reviews , work with competencies and goals as well as manage employee succession
  • Learning that is used to work with employee training activities and personal development plans
  • Reports that is used to view standard reports and create customized reports for all sections
  • Settings that is used for general system setup, data import/export as well as to access site lists and libraries, and configure SharePoint settings 


The Employee menu offers access to employee's personal information and public company information.


  • My Details tab offers access to employee's personal data, documents and action items
  • My Time and Attendance tab allows the employee to view and register his/her vacations, sicknesses, other absences, and fill in timesheets to track project hours
  • My Performance tab allows the employee to work with performance reviews, and view and establish goals, competencies and KPIs
  • My Learning tab offers access to the catalog of learning materials and allows to work with courses and training activities
  • My Company tab allows the employee to view public company information


The Manager menu offers access to the tasks related to everyday teamwork of a manager. Most pages are filltered by the team the manager is responsible for.


  • My Team Details allows the manager to view the subordinates' employee cards, work with probation and salary reviews
  • My Team Attendance allows the manager to check and approve the team's absences and timesheets
  • My Team Performance allows the manager to view and complete performance reviews for team members
  • My Team Learning allows the manager to assign, approve and monitor employee training activities
  • My Recruiting allows the manager to request vacancies, work with candidates and manage interviews
  • Reports allows the manager to view standard reports available for the manager and create customized reports

Local HR

The Local HR menu provides access to HR-related pages where data is filtered by the area of the Lacoal HR's responsibility.


  • LHR Core HR that is used to establish the company's org structure, job roles and positions, work with employee database, HR processes, documents and notifications; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Time and Attendance that is used to check and fill in employees' absences and timesheets; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Compensation that is used to manage salaries and bonuses of employees; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Recruiting that is used to create vacancies and work with candidates; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Performance that is used to launch and track employee performance reviews , work with competencies and goals as well as manage employee succession; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Learning that is used to work with employee training activities and personal development plans; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility
  • LHR Reports that is used to view standard reports and create customized reports for all sections; data is filtered by the Local HR's area(s) of responsibility

Second-Level Menu

Click the main menu tabs to view the detailed menu for each module and access specific pages. For example, in the HR role, select the Core HR tab, and then click Employees to see a drop-down menu with available related links to open various pages. If a second-level menu doesn't have a drop-down menu, clicking the second-level menu item will open the corresponding page right away.img013(1)

Please refer to the Page Elements section to find out more about working with pages.

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