Manage Document Signing in DocuSign
  • 18 May 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Document Signing in DocuSign

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Article summary

When DocuSign integration is enabled and configured, candidates sign candidate documents, sent from Lanteria HR, on the Candidate Self-Service. However, the administrator that has access to the DocuSign account can manage document signing on the DocuSign site.

To manage document signing from DocuSign, log in to your account at this site:

Home page

The Home tab contains the following:

  • The Start action to send an envelope, sign a document, use a template, create a PowerForm, or create a Clickwrap.
  • An overview of signed documents: documents that require action, documents waiting for others, documents that expire soon, completed (signed) documents.
  • You can see how your signature will look like if signed with this account.
  • Help and support links

Manage page

The Manage page is a workspace where you perform most operations related to managing envelopes. In DocuSign, an envelope is comprised of the documents you send for signature, and the recipient and other information that you associate with it.

Under ENVELOPES, the following is available:

  • Inbox - A list of all envelopes received for signature through this DocuSign account. You can perform various operations with an envelope.
  • Sent - A list of all envelopes sent  through this DocuSign account. You can perform the same operations with envelopes as in the Inbox, except signing.
  • Drafts - A list of envelope drafts. You can continue working with them, save them as template, transfer ownership or delete.
  • Deleted - List of deleted envelopes.
  • Bulk Send - Send multiple envelopes at once.
  • PowerForms - A list of PowerForms. A PowerForm is a template that allows you to create self-service documents for signature without writing any code. A PowerForm is initiated from a unique, secure URL that you make available for signers to complete.

Under Quick Views, you can easily filter your envelopes for key categories:

  • Action Required - List of envelopes awaiting your action, which you need to either sign or view or perform other operation as in the Inbox folder.
  • Waiting for Others - List of envelopes sent by you that are waiting for others to act on, either to sign or to view.
  • Expiring Soon - List of envelopes that are due to expire within six days
  • Completed -  Envelopes with the status Completed, either sent or received
  • Authentication Failed - Envelopes with a recipient who failed the authentication challenge

For more information on this page, refer to the DocuSign documentation.

Templates page

Envelope  templates help streamline the sending process. You can use your saved templates to start a new envelope or download it to use it as a document in Lanteria HR.

Refer to this guide for information on how to use templates in DocuSign.

Reports page

On the Reports page, users and administrators can run, customize, schedule, and download and print reports for their account. Report data is generated continuously, and reports contain near real-time data from document activity.

When users run reports, they see information from their own user activity only. Account administrators see all account-level activity. Reports run in the application can return up to 5000 rows of data.

Beyond the Overview, there are several standard reports provided to quickly view information about your account. These reports are categorized as follows:

Envelope -  Shows information about the envelopes you send (available to all users)

Recipient - Shows information about  recipients of the envelopes you send (available to all users)

Usage - Shows activity and usage for the entire account (for account administrators only)


This section contains administrator settings for configuring DocuSign, also referred to as Admin Panel.

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