Manage Processes in the Local HR role
  • 13 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Manage Processes in the Local HR role

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Article summary

From the Local HR menu, you can manage the following HR processes:

  • On-Boarding - Manage starters (employees coming to the company). In the Local HR role, go to Home > LHR Core HR > Processes > OnBoarding r to manage the on-boarding process. You can view candidates for positions in your company, hire an employee, create an employee from a starter, assign an employee to a new position, manage on-boarding interview, as well as view on-boarding-related information. Note that information will be filtered by company, country, location, and org unit the Local HR is assigned to in the Local HR settings
  • Off-Boarding - Manage leavers (employees that leave the company). In the Local HR role, go to Home > LHR Core HR > Processes > OffBoarding  to get information about employees that are going to leave the company, filtered by the access settings configured in Local HR settings
  • Probation Reviews - View and edit probation reviews, filtered by the access settings configured in Local HR settings. In the Local HR role, go to Home > LHR Core HR > Processes > Probation Reviews. You can see the list of all open probation reviews. The first probation review stage is created as soon as on the employee card the On Probation check box is selected and the probation start date is specified. The next probation review stage (if it was configured in the probation review stage settings) is created automatically after you change the status of the probation review stage to Passed. The overdue probation reviews are marked with red. Go to the Closed tab to view the probation reviews history. To see the probation review meetings in a calendar view, click the View All Probation Reviews link. If a performance review type, performance review template, and performance review workflow were specified in probation review stage settings for a probation review stage, a performance review form is automatically generated by the LHR - Process Probation Reviews job along with a reminder when Current Date = Probation Review Meeting Date - Notice Period. This performance review form can be opened for filling in directly from the Open Probation Reviews page by clicking the generated View link in the Performance Review column. 
  • HR Processes - View, start, complete HR process actions on behalf of other employees if necessary, and stop HR processes, filtered by the access settings configured in Local HR settings. In the Local HR role, go to Home > LHR Core HR > Processes > HR Processes to manage HR processes available to Local HR. Local HRs can only see HR processes started for employees within the area of their responsibilities. Also, in the filters pane, they can only select HR process templates with the Local HR permissions. What roles can start an HR process manually depends on the HR process template configuration

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