Managing Learning Groups in the Local HR role
  • 18 Jul 2023
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Managing Learning Groups in the Local HR role

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Article summary

Learning groups can be used to make learning assignments more convenient. When assigning a learning material, you can assign it to a group of employees instead of selecting them one by one. Employees can be included into a learning group by country, location, org unit, job role or individually. It makes most sense to use the learning groups when you have a number of employees that are to be assigned to several courses. For example, if the company is conducting  courses for the senior management from time to time, it is convenient to create a learning group with all the senior management job roles/employees and use it whenever a course is being planned.

Learning groups are created and managed from the Learning Group Management page, which, in the Local HR role, can be accessed by going to LHR Learning > Learning Groups

On the Learning Group Management page, in the Local HR role (just like HR), you can do the following:

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