Outlook Appointments
  • 21 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Outlook Appointments

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Article summary

When an employee is approved as an attendee for some training event, Lanteria HR can send Outlook appointment with the training details to such employee. The appointments can be also sent to the internal trainer assigned to the event. To achieve this, select the Send calendar appointments to training attendees check box in the Learning settings under Classroom Training and set up the appointment templates.

Follow these steps to set up templates for the Outlook appointments:

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration and click General > Notifications and Reminders.
  2. On the Advanced tab, click Appointment Templates.
  3. Click new item to create a new template.
  4. In the Title field, specify title for the appointment that will be displayed to the attendee.
  5. Use the Body field to define the text of the appointment. You can insert fields from the Training Schedule list by specifying the internal field names in the curly brackets.
  6. In the Type field, select the type of the template being created. Select Training Event.

When an employee is included into the training as a participant or the internal trainer is selected for the training, he or she receives an Outlook appointment with the training details.

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