View and Edit Employee Details
  • 16 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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View and Edit Employee Details

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Article summary

Click the employee name on the any of the tabs to view the employee's individual card. The employee card is a central storage of all the employee information contains the sections for employment details, contact details personal data, diversity&equality information, performance&succession and education.

The employee card ribbon provides a number of menu items for the following actions:

  • Edit the employee details
  • View employee documents
  • View employee job contracts
  • Access the employment history
  • View information on absences
  • Manage the list of the employee dependents
  • Manage the list of disciplinary actions
  • Manage the list of company assets
  • Access the employee education details
  • Assign the employee to another job position
  • View the compensation information (salary details and salary history)
  • View information of the employee performance (objectives, KPIs, competencies and career goals)
  • Manage development plan and learning

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