Performance Dashboard
  • 13 Feb 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Performance Dashboard

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Article summary

The top section of the Performance dashboard shows some general statistics on company, org unit and employee goals.

Company Goals gives the number of all company goals that were/are active since the year start date till the present moment. These are goals with Start Date and/or Due Date falling into the period, as well as goals that have Start Date before the beginning of the period and Due Date after the end of the period.

Org Unit Goals gives the number of all org unit goals that were/are active since the year start date till the present moment. These are goals with Start Date and/or Due Date falling into the period, as well as goals that have Start Date before the beginning of the period and Due Date after the end of the period.

Employee Goals gives the number of all employee goals that were/are active since the year start date till the present moment. These are goals with Start Date and/or Due Date falling into the period, as well as goals that have Start Date before the beginning of the period and Due Date after the end of the period.

Company, org unit and employee goals are links that will take you to the lists of company, org unit and employee goals, respectively.

Avg Goals per Employee is the average number of goals for all active employees.

Avg Goals per Employee for people with goals is the average number of goals for all active employees who currently have goals set.

Number of Employees with goals / without goals is the number of active employees with and without currently set goals, respectively.

Number of aligned / not aligned goals is the number of employee goals that are aligned or not aligned with org unit goals, respectively.

Number Overdue Goals is the number of goals that have Due Date earlier than today and status other than Completed.


The lower section of the Performance dashboard consists of six charts designed to help you analyze competencies and performance:

  • Goals by Status that shows the pie chart for distribution of goals since the beginning of the year by status
  • Top/Low Scored Competencies that shows all the competencies with the highest/lowest scores calculated by all assessments made during all time
    Select the number of records and the rating direction from the drop-down list at the top of the chart. If the number of units portrayed by horizontal bars exceeds 10, you can drag the chart upwards to scroll for more records.
  • Top/Low Performers that shows the employees' performance rating in the selected review round. You can use drop-down lists at the top of the chart to select:
    • The performance review round to use for rating.
    • The number of records and the rating direction.
    • Whether to use calculated or overall score.
      If the number of units portrayed by horizontal bars exceeds 10, you can drag the chart upwards to scroll for more records.
  • Performance Scores Distribution that shows the distribution of overall performance scores based on the results of the selected performance review round
    You can select any other performance review round from the drop-down list at the top of the chart.
  • Performance Scores by Org Unit that shows Org Unit rankings calculated as the sum of overall performance scores during the selected performance review round.
    You can select any other performance review round from the drop-down list at the top of the chart. 
  • Performance Reviews by Step that shows the distribution of performance review forms by step for the selected review round. Please note that this chart displays information for the currently active review rounds only (the current date must be within the review period - from start date to due date).
Data in the Performance dashboard is updated by the Dashboards job that is run overnight. To run the job manually, locate it under Settings > Settings and Configuration > System Settings > System Jobs and click Run Now.

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