Publish Quiz
  • 19 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Publish Quiz

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Article summary

To make the quiz available to employees, you should publish it to the Learning Catalog.

Follow these steps to publish a newly created quiz:

  1. Go to Learning > Quiz Builder > Quizzes
  2. Click Actions > Publish for the quiz to be published.
    You cannot publish an empty quiz to the learning catalog. 
  3. Click the Yes button in the Publish window. 
  4. The Learning Materials new item form will open.
  5. Enter the quiz title as it will be displayed in the catalog into the Title field.
  6. Select Quiz from the drop-down list in the Material Type field.
  7. Set the Scoring Type field value to Percentage.
  8. Enter the score the learner must achieve to pass the quiz into the Required Score field.
  9. Select the name of the quiz you are going to publish from the drop-down list in the Quiz field.

The rest of the form is filled in the same way as for other learning materials published to the catalog.

After publishing a quiz for the first time, the learning catalog will be updated automatically each time you publish a new version of the quiz.

Each time you publish an updated version of a quiz, you will be asked if the new version value should be set up for all related learning materials. Click the Yes button to update version numbers in Learning Materials. 

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