Referrals Report
  • 22 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Referrals Report

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Article summary

The employees can recommend their acquaintances for the company job openings. All such references can be viewed from the Referrals Report available under Reports > Report Center > Recruiting. Select the dates to view the recommendations for and click View

From the report, you can check:

  • Candidate Name - the name of the candidate who was created in the Candidate Database due to the employee recommendation
  • Referred by - the name of the employee who recommended the current candidate
  • Date of Recommendation - the date when the candidate was recommended
  • Initial Job Opening - a job opening for which the candidate was recommended. 
  • Employee - if the candidate was hired, in this field you can see the name of employee that was created from candidate. 

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