Reminder Rules
  • 01 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Reminder Rules

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Article summary

The system can notify the employee, his or her manager and/or HR manager about the certificate expiration.

Follow these steps to set up when and to whom the mail notification is to be sent:

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > General Settings > Notifications and Reminders and click Edit next to the Reminder Rules setting. 
  2. The Reminder Rules list will open in spreadsheet mode. 
  3. Select the Expiring Certificates event type from the drop-down list in the Notification Type columns.
  4. Select Before or After if you need to send the reminder before or after the event respectively in the Rule column.
  5. Enter the number of days before or after the event when the reminder should be sent into the Number of Days column.
  6. Check the roles of recipients in the drop-down list in the Recipients column.
  7. Enter the e-mail addresses of additional recipients delimited by semicolon into the Additional Recipients column, if necessary.

It is possible to create several reminders. For example, the first reminder can be sent 5 days before a certificate expires and the second one a day after that.

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