Reviewer Groups
  • 10 Jul 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Reviewer Groups

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Article summary

In a 360 Feedback Review, assessment of an employee is normally performed by managers, peers and subordinates, including or excluding self-assessment. However, in addition to the predefined groups of reviewers (managers, peers, and subordinates), custom 360 Feedback reviewer groups can be created n accordance with your business needs. Custom reviewer groups have two types:

  • Internal – These custom reviewer groups may include employees that are Lanteria HR users.
  • External – These custom reviewer groups may include reviewers that are not Lanteria HR users. For example, you may want to have your customers review your support team employees, who often communicate and interact with them.

Custom reviewer groups may have localized titles if necessary.

To create custom reviewer groups for 360 Feedback reviews

  1. Go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Performance > 360 Feedback.
  2. Click Edit next to Reviewer Groups
  3. Create a line for each custom group by filling in the fields as follows:
  • Title – Specifies the title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group. This title will be displayed in reports as well as wherever review groups are shown or selected.
  • Type – Specifies the type of the reviewer group:
    • Internal – For reviewers that are Lanteria HR users. Whenever you need to specify 360 Feedback reviewers (assessors) for a group with this type, reviewers can be selected from any employees that are Lanteria HR users.
    • External – For external reviewers that are not Lanteria HR users. Whenever you need to specify 360 Feedback reviewers (assessors) for a group with this type, reviewers are selected from the list of people that are set up in the External Reviewers setting.
  • Code – Specifies the code that will be used to identify this reviewer group in Lanteria HR.
  • Title_ru – Specifies a localized title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group in the Russian language. Fill in this field only if you use the Russian localization.
  • Title_sl – Specifies a localized title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group in the Slovenian language. Fill in this field only if you use the Slovenian localization.
  • Title_fr – Specifies a localized title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group in the French language. Fill in this field only if you use the French localization.
  • Title_es – Specifies a localized title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group in the Spanish language. Fill in this field only if you use the Spanish localization.
  • Title_de – Specifies a localized title of a custom 360 Feedback reviewer group in the German language. Fill in this field only if you use the German localization.

  1. Stop editing the list, and then click Apply Changes to save the settings.

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