Sections and Datasets
  • 02 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Sections and Datasets

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Article summary

By default, Data Import main page contains 6 sections of datasets.

Other sections and/or datasets can be added, if needed.

Follow these steps to add a new dataset and/or section to Data Import.

  1. Go to Settings > Data Import and click the Create data mapping for custom list.
  2. The Data Import Section Item Form will open.
  3. Enter the dataset name into the Title field.
  4. Select the section the new dataset will belong to from the drop-down list in the Section field.
  5. In case you want to create a new section, select the Create new section check box. The Section drop-down list will then be replaced with the New Section Title field where you will enter the section name.
  6. Select the name of the destination list from the drop-down list in the List Name field.
  7. Select key list fields in the Keys field on the form, if necessary. Key list fields act as the unique identifier for the records in the list. If there already exists a record in the list with the same combination of key values, then this record is updated with new data, otherwise, a new record is created. If no key fields are selected, the Title field acts as default key.
  8. Click Save.

To assign a template to a new section item or change the template for an existing section, go to Settings > Data Import, locate the section name and click Actions > Upload Template

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