Set up AD Integration Rules
  • 03 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Set up AD Integration Rules

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Article summary

AD integration rules are set up in the AD Integration Rules field under Settings and Configuration (go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Integrations > AD Integration). By default, this setting is empty.

The rules are set in the XML format.

<ADRules login=’’ password=’’ domainNameOrIP=’’ IntegrationBy =’’>

<rule direction='out' ADField='title' ESField='JobRole'/>


Header Attributes

In the header, define the following attributes:

  • login, password – credentials for accessing AD. Leave the login and password empty if you want to use the Timer Service account for accessing AD. Otherwise, specify credentials of an account with the relevant permissions.
  • domainNameOrIP – domain name or IP address of the AD server.
  • IntegrationBy – parameter used as key during the integration. If left empty or set to ‘login’, the integration is performed by login, i.e. AD account. Other options are: ‘globalID’, which means that integration is performed based on the Lanteria HR Global ID (a field in the employee card), and ‘email’, which means that integration is performed based on the employees’ email addresses stored in the Lanteria HR employee cards.
    The values used by the IntegrationBy attribute must be unique.

AD Rule Attributes

The AD integration rules are defined as follows:

<rule direction='out' ADField='title' ESField='JobRole'/>

  • direction attribute determines where the changes are made. Acceptable values are
    ‘in’ for changes in AD to be populated to Lanteria HR and
    ‘out’ for changes in Lanteria HR to go to AD

  • ADField attribute is the internal name of an AD field

  • ESField attribute is the internal name of a field from the Employees list.

Any field from the Employees list can be integrated. The fields lastname, fullname, location, email, workphone, homephone, cellphone, city, zip, state, address, country, jobposition, jobrole, department, legalentity, manager can be listed using only their internal names, for example, ESField='manager'. All the other fields must be listed as ‘Employee:{InternalFieldName}’, for example, ESField='Employee:BusinessCardTitle'.

Field names listed as ‘Employee:{InternalFieldName}’ are case-sensitive.

You can add as many rules as required.

AD Rules Example

<ADRules login='' password='' domainNameOrIP='' skipBlankValues='true' IntegrationBy="email" ADFieldName='mail'>

<rule direction='in' ADField='SAMAccountName' ESField='Account'/>


<ADRules login='' password='' domainNameOrIP=''>

<rule direction='out' ADField='givenname' ESField='FirstName'/><rule direction='out' ADField='sn' ESField='LastName'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='displayName' ESField='FullName'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='physicalDeliveryOfficeName' ESField='Location'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='telephoneNumber' ESField='WorkPhone'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='mail' ESField='Email'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='l' ESField='City'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='streetAddress' ESField='Address'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='homephone' ESField='HomePhone'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='mobile' ESField='CellPhone'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='postalCode' ESField='ZIP'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='st' ESField='State'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='title' ESField='JobRole'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='department' ESField='Department'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='company' ESField='LegalEntity'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='manager' ESField='Manager'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='countryCode' ESField='Country'/>

<rule direction='in' ADField='department' ESField='Employee:Division'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='department' ESField='Employee:Division'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='streetAddress' ESField='Location:Address'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='streetAddress' ESField='Employee:Location_x003a_Address'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='l' ESField='Employee:Location_x003a_City'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='st' ESField='Employee:Location_x003a_State'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='postalCode' ESField='Employee:Location_x003a_Zip_x0020_Code'/>

<rule direction='out' ADField='co' ESField='Employee:Country_x003a_ISO_x0020_Code'/>


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