Time Registration Workflow
  • 06 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Time Registration Workflow

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Article summary

The Time Registration workflow provides the typical sequence of steps performed by various roles required to register performed activities and spent time in the timesheet.

Prerequisites for the Time Registration Workflow

To register time, timesheet settings must be configured that include the following:

  • Time periods to display time interval fields on the timesheets to keep track of the exact hours spent working on a particular project activity.

  • Timesheet projects to be able to register time for a specific project.

  • Timesheet activities to be able to register activities that you performed on a project.

  • Timesheet absence mappings if you want to automate and simplify the process of filling in a timesheet. Note that timesheet absence mapping will work only if an employee registered an already approved absence.

  • Timesheet approval if you want to use the approval functionality that allows you to have timesheets registered by employees to be approved by the manager.

  • Specify whether timesheet record notes (notes that an employee can specify when creating a timesheet record) are mandatory or optional.

  • Specify whether you want to use time period or just the number of hours when registering time in the timesheet.

Time Registration Workflow

The following diagram illustrates a typical time registration workflow in Lanteria HR.img061(1)

Time Registration Workflow Description


In the Time Registration workflow, HR initially assigns work patterns to employees to define the work schedule of each employee. Also, among other timesheet settings, HR creates timesheet projects and timesheet activities that employees will be able to specify when registering their spent time.

Registering time

To register performed activities and time spent on those activities, an employee opens the timesheet and fills in the performed tasks on a specific project. The timesheet displays the current week where the employee can register spent time. The days are highlighted in different colors depending on the data entered:

  • Red – no data entered for the day
  • Yellow – data partially entered. The system compares the number of entered hours to the employee’s work pattern.
  • Green – the required number of hours is recorded for the day
  • Grey – a day off or days when an employee has a registered absence

The employee will see the number of hours expected to be registered each day according to the assigned work pattern.

After the employee specifies all the required information, they click Save changes. The employee does not have to register the whole timesheet at once. They can come back to it to make changes (until it was submitted for approval) or register time in portions, for example on a daily basis. The employee will not be able to register time for a future date.

Timesheet Approval

If the timesheet approval is turned on, a saved timesheet needs to be approved. To send a created timesheet for approval, the employee clicks Timesheet approval on the timesheet (this action is displayed only if the timesheet approval workflow is turned on). In this case, the manager receives an email with a link to the Timesheet Approval Management page where he or she can review the timesheets and approve or reject them. Managers can approve timesheets every week or every month depending on the configuration.

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