Time to Hire Report
  • 19 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Time to Hire Report

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Article summary

The Time to Hire Report helps to analyze time it has taken to hire candidates and close job openings. It can be accessed from the Report Center (Reports > Report Center > Recruiting > Time to Hire Report). 

Use the filter on the top of the report to narrow down the results to job openings related to a specific job role, org unit, recruiting manager, location or start date. 

The report displays all the job openings corresponding to the selected filter options and each opening's active candidates (all the statuses, but for Rejected).

For each job opening you can see the job code, title, job role, org unit and location. 

The Number of Positions field displays the number of candidates who applied for a job opening and are in any status other than Rejected.

The Job Opening Start Date is the date when a job becomes active specified under Job Publishing.

Date of Application - the date when the current candidate applied for a job opening. 

Date of Job Offer Accepted - the date when the candidate accepted the job offer. This date is specified for the starter in the OnBoarding Info under Core HR > HR Processes > OnBoarding. If this field is not filled in, the date will be taken from the properties of a job offer that has been generated for the current candidate (if such offer exists).

Agreed Start Date - the start date of a candidate specified in the OnBoarding Info.

Time to Hire - the number of days that passed from Date of Application to Date of Job Offer Accepted.

Time to Fill - the number of days that passed from Date of Application to Agreed Start Date.

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