Timesheet Report
  • 22 Feb 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Timesheet Report

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Article summary

The Timesheet Report helps to analyze the time an employee has spent on various projects and activities within the selected period. You can access it in the Employee role by going to My Time and Attendance > My Timesheets > Timesheet Report. Managers can access the timesheet report for their team through Reports > Report Center > Time and Attendance > Timesheet Report. In the HR role, you can open this report trough the Time & Attendance menu (Time & Attendance > Timesheet Report) or through the Report Center.

Select the dates to display the report for as well as other filters, and then click View to display the hours registered.

Use the Rows field to define whether the data should be displayed per projectimg036(3)

or per activityimg038(3)

or per employee.

When the rows are displayed per employee, in addition to total hours registered (the Total Registered field) and hours in specific periods, you can also see the total number of hours by work pattern (the Total by WP field), overtime hours (the Overtime field - positive difference between total hours registered (Total Registered) and total number of hours by work pattern (Total by WP)), and underworked hours (the Underworked field - negative difference between total hours registered(Total Registered) and total number of hours by work pattern (Total by WP)) in the corresponding columns.

Please note that the Time Breakdown Chart is displayed only if there are no less than two records in the generated report.

With the help of the Project and Activity fields, you can filter the report to view information for specific project or activity only.

Use the Interval field to select whether the hours in the report columns should be displayed for days, weeks or months.

The Grouping field helps to group the report by activities or projects.img039(2)

To drill down to the details of the hour registrations in the Timesheet Report, click the number of hours and open the registration records.img040(3)

This report displays data in hrs:mins format, but tables for export contain data in decimal format to make calculations in spreadsheets easier. For example, 2 hours 15 minutes will be exported as 2.25 hours.

Click View on a line to open the timesheet and edit the data.

There are additional options for managers and HR in Timesheet Report. They can use Employees in the report rows to view the hours per employee and group the report data by employees using the Rows and the Grouping fields.

In addition to that project managers can view the report for all the projects or only for the projects they are managing. Use the options:

  • All employees – view the information for all direct subordinates regardless of the project
  • My Projects – view the information for the projects you are managingimg042(3)

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