Track your Team’s Development
  • 22 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Track your Team’s Development

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Article summary

The My Team Development Report shows the learning information for each employee, including:

  • The development activities information - completed, active, overdue, passed and failed. Click any development activity-related figure to open the employee development plan with the details.
  • Current average score from the completed development activities
  • Number of hours spent by the employee for the training purposes
  • Certificate information (the number of currently held certificates, required and missing certificates). Click any certificate related figure to open the employee grade book with the certificate details
  • The number of development needs. Click the number to open the list of employee development needs
  • The number of active employee training requests. Click the figure to see training request details

The report is available from the Manager menu under My Team Learning > My Team Development

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