Upload Certificate
  • 31 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Upload Certificate

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Article summary

Follow these steps to upload a certificate for one of the employees to the system:

  1. Go to Learning > Certificates.
  2. Click the document button.
  3. Browse for the certificate to upload and click OK.
    If you upload several documents with the same name, a number in brackets will be added to the file name to differentiate the files.
  4. Select the content type the certificate will be based on from the drop-down list in the Content Type field.
  5. Enter the certificate name as it will appear in the system into the Name field.
  6. Enter the internal certificate name into the Title field.
  7. Select the employee for whom the certificate is uploaded in the Employee field.
  8. Select one of the existing certificate types form the drop-down list in the Certificate Type field.
  9. Enter the date when the certificate was issued into the Issued field.
  10. If there is an expiration date for the certificate, enter it into the  Expires field.
  11. If the certificate was issued for completing one of the courses in the learning catalog, select the course in the Learning Material field.
  12. If the certificate was issued for completing a development activity, select the activity from the drop-down list in the Development Activity field.
  13. Select the Manager Access check box if the employee's manager is to have access to this certificate.
  14. Enter the course or development activity completion date into the Completion Date field.
  15. Click Save.
The user that holds the role of Local Training Manager among others can only see certificates generated by the system if the certificate type and Local Training Manager are set up in the specific learning material properties AND the learning material was assigned and the corresponding development activity was completed. The certificates will be available to the Local Training Manager after the Generate Certificate job is run.

Alternatively, certificates can be uploaded from the employee card.

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