User Role Selection
  • 20 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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User Role Selection

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Article summary

The user role selection button listing all the roles available to you is located in the upper pane of the page. Click the role icon to change the system view for this role.


For example, a manager has access to the roles of Employee and Manager. The Employee role offers access to personal information, such as personal details, documents, attendance, learning, etc. depending on particular system configuration. The Manager role offers access to information about his/her subordinates.

Watch the video for a quick overview of the basic roles.

There are the following basic roles for Lanteria HR users.


Employee accesses personal information, absence records, objectives, KPIs, competency assessments, development plan and public company information.


Manager accesses information about his/her team, tracks employee objectives, KPIs and competencies, assesses employees, runs performance reviews, plans and tracks his/her subordinates' learning and development.


HR specialist manages all HR processes in a company, accesses all the information company-wide, has access to full analytical reporting and coordinates all HR areas.

image014Local HR

Local HR is responsible for a part of the company and has limited HR access only to the employees within this part, for example, specific location, division, etc.

Additional custom roles with access to specific subsystems and functionality can be created, if needed.

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