Vacancies Report
  • 23 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Vacancies Report

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Article summary

The Vacancies report opens the Job Openings page with the list of currently created job openings.

To run the report, go to Reports > Report Center > Recruiting > Vacancies.

This report is basically a link to the fully functional Job Openings page, which can also be accessed by going to Recruiting > Job Openings. This means that after you run the Vacancies report, you can perform the same activities, available from the Job Openings page, such as create and publish a job opening, edit a job opening, copy a job opening, view interview ranking, delete a job opening, open job opening details by clicking the job opening title, etc. For more information on how to work with job openings, see the Job Openings section.

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