View 360 Feedback Evaluation Results
  • 05 Oct 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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View 360 Feedback Evaluation Results

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Article summary

After 360 Feedback participants have completed their forms, the results can be analyzed by both employee and HR specialist. However, the reports can be viewed even if the review round is still on-going to get preliminary results. The report may include statistics for predefined reviewer groups (managers, peers, subordinates), custom 360 Feedback reviewer groups, and self-estimation. The reviewer groups will vary in each report, depending on which reviewer groups were selected for the review round.

To see the result from the HR role, go to Performance > 360 Feedback, and then click Result Report next to the 360 Feedback review round. To view the report for an employee, click Feedback Forms in the 360 Feedback Rounds window, and then click Result Report next to an employee. Alternatively, open the employee card, click Performance > 360 Feedback and then Result Report.


The overall rating for the Competencies section is stored in the Overall Rating field. The rating is updated each time after an assessor submits feedback. Use the field for creating custom reports or views.

To view the report about provided feedback from the Employee role, go to My Performance > My Feedback, click the 360 Feedback tab, and then click Result Report for the required review round. 

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