View Past Check-Ins
  • 19 Mar 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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View Past Check-Ins

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Article summary

Both the manager and the employee can view check-ins (ongoing one-to-one conversations between a manager and an employee) that have already been ended. They can view the check-in end date, the number of completed topics, completion % as well as detailed information about check-in topics and given comments by each participant.

To view past check-ins

  1. Open the Check-in window for the employee that has an ended check-in:
    • In the Employee role, go to My Details > My Details, and, on the employee card, on the Performance tab, click Check-in.
    • In the Manager role, go to My Team Performance > My Team Check-ins, select one of your subordinate employees, and then click View. Alternatively, you can open the employee card, and, on the Performance tab, click Check-in.
    • In the HR role, go to Performance > Employee Check-ins, and then click View next to an employee to see check-ins for that employee. Alternatively, you can open the employee card, and, on the Performance tab, click Check-in.
  2. In the Check-in window, go to the Past Check-ins tab where you can view check-ins that are already ended, including the number of completed topics in each check-in session and the date when the check-in was ended.
  3. In this window, if you are in the HR role, you can do the following actions with past check-ins:
    • Reopen the last past check-in. Click the  icon next to its title to reopen the last past check-in. You can only reopen the last ended check-in and only if there are no active check-ins with this employee at the moment.
    • Delete a past check-in. Click the  icon to delete next to a past check-in title to delete it,
  4. Click the check-in title to view its topics, their progress, and given comments.
  5. You can perform the following actions with a past check-in details:
    • Click Actions > Print to print the check-in out.
    • Click Actions > Export to PDF to save the check-in details in the PDF format.

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