Work with Probation Reviews
  • 22 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Work with Probation Reviews

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Article summary

To check probation reviews scheduled for your team members go to My Team Details > Probation Reviews. The first probation review stage is created as soon as on the employee card the On Probation check box is selected and the probation start date is specified. The next probation review stage (if it was configured in the probation review stage settings) is created automatically after you change the status of the probation review stage to Passed. The overdue probation reviews are marked with red. Go to the Closed tab to view the probation reviews history. To see the probation review meetings in a calendar view, click the View All Probation Reviews link.

After the meeting or as a part of preparation, you can use the review details to record the results. Click View in the Details column to open the review form 

and then click Edit Item to fill in the form.

  1. In the Meeting Date field, you can see the date the probation review stage should be completed.
  2. In the Status field, specify the status of this probation review stage:
    • On Probation – Specifies that the employee is currently on probation (a period of time at the start of a new job when you are watched and tested to see if you are suitable for the job).
    • Passed – Specifies that the tested employee has successfully passed the probation period stage. If you change the status to Passed, this automatically creates the next probation review stage if it was configured in the probation review stage settings.
    • Extended – Specifies the probation period is made to last longer than initially planned. If this status is set, specify a new probation period end date in the Extension Date field. with
    • Terminated – Specifies that the probation period is over, because the candidate is not deemed suitable for the job. This ends the probation review process even if there are more steps in the probation review process. No changes will be applied to the employee record in this case.
  3. If the probation period was extended (the Status field was set to Extended), select a new probation period end date in the Extension Date field.
  4. Enter your overall opinion about the employee performance into the General Assessment field.
  5. Enter the objectives agreed with the employee during the probation review into the Future Objectives field.
  6. Describe which areas the employee is to work on and to improve in the Development Needs field.
  7. Enter your comments into the Manager Notes field, if necessary.
  8. Enter the employee's comments into the Employee Notes field.
  9. Click Save.

Performance review form for a probation review stage

If a performance review type, performance review template, and performance review workflow were specified in probation review stage settings for a probation review stage, a performance review form is automatically generated by the LHR - Process Probation Reviews job along with a reminder when Current Date = Probation Review Meeting Date - Notice Period. This performance review form can be opened for filling in directly from the Open Probation Reviews page by clicking the generated View link in the Performance Review column.

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