Payment Request Setup
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Payment Request Setup

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Article summary

Before you start working with the additional payment requests, make sure that the following settings are in place:

Additional Payment Categories

Categories for additional payments define:

  • Coefficient for calculating the payment (multiplied by the number of hours to be paid out)
  • Whether the additional payment request is submitted in hours or days

The payment categories can be edited under Settings > Site Lists and Libraries > Additional Payment Categories.

Approval Workflow for Additional Payment Requests

Approval workflow for approving additional payment requests must be set up. It is configured under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Core HR. Click Processes and Approval Workflows and then Approval Workflows

Additional Payment workflow is a status approval workflow with 2 steps:

  • Line manager approval (common for all the employees)
  • Team approval. This is a code based step that defines behavior of the workflow depending on the employee's team. For more details, check the Approve Additional Payment article. 

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