Add Candidate Education
  • 23 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Add Candidate Education

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Article summary

To add information on candidate education, click Candidate Education on the candidate card ribbon. If the candidate card is displayed in the alternative mode, locate the Candidate Education section in the card.

To add a new record on candidate education:

  1. Click Add.
  2. Specify the name of the school.
  3. Specify the education level by selecting one of the predefined values or clicking Specify your own value and typing in a new one.
  4. Select the education area. 
  5. Select the graduation date and enter date.
  6. In the Education Format field, specify whether the candidate was studying full time or as a correspondent.
  7. Specify Diploma, Qualification and Faculty
  8. Click Save to add a record.

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