Competencies Workflow
  • 11 May 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Competencies Workflow

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Article summary

This workflow describes the typical process of working with competencies in Lanteria HR.

Competencies Workflow Prerequisites


  • Competency areas which will be used to group competencies by area.
  • Competency groups which are second-level groups in the framework that cover more specific sets of skills within competency areas.
  • Competencies to be able to define competencies for competency groups.
  • Competency levels to be able to specify competency levels in employee assessment during performance reviews, manager ongoing assessments and job interviews.
  • Competency level descriptions to be able to provide assessment participants with a clear vision of what actions and behavior are expected for each level of every job role competency.
  • Competency criteria types to define types of competency criteria.
  • Competency criteria to be able to define particular criteria for each competency so that the person responsible for assessment will assess each criterion and the total competency score will be calculated as the average of the criteria scores.
  • Job competencies to be able to define competencies for job roles.
  • Competency importance to define relative importance of competencies.
  • Additional competency settings:
    • Competency Assessment Method that defines how competencies will be assessed.
    • Competency Score Calculation that defines which assessments will be included in the final score calculation
    • Enable Weighted Groups if you to use different weight of competency groups to fine-tune the relevance of your overall scores.
    • Enable Manual Group Assessment if you need a separate score to be set manually for each competency group during assessment
    • Allow Manual Assessment Date if you want to be able to set the assessment date manually.



  • Goal areas to be able to group goals by area when you set up company goals.
  • Goal ratings to be able to evaluate achievement of qualitative goals (goals that are not measured by the quantitative indicators).
  • Advanced settings:
    • Select the type of goals you use in the employees' performance assessment. In this scenario, the Both goal type is used to be able to assign both qualitative and quantitative goals to employees.
    • Select the Allow Goal Editing During Review Only check box if you want to allow employees to edit their goals during the performance review only. Selecting this check box will make the goals on the My Goals page non-editable.

Competencies Workflow

The following diagram illustrates a typical workflow of setting up competencies and how assessment of competencies is linked to the performance review process.img058(4)

Competencies Workflow Description

1 Competency framework

Competencies define skills that employees need in a particular job or for a particular task. To work with competencies in Lanteria HR, a competency framework must be created first. Competency framework consists of competencies divided into competency groups. HR either manually creates competencies or imports them using the data import functionality.

Created competencies are assigned by Manager or HR individually to employees on the employee card or, on the Competency Job Map, by HR to job roles (new or existing one) to which employee are assigned.

Managers can assess the employees based on the job role competency requirements. This can be done either on an ongoing basis or as part of the performance review process. Further steps in this workflow depend on whether your company is going to assess employee competencies within performance reviews or separately.

2a Primary scenario: Assignment of competencies and their assessment (linked to performance review)

If competency assessment in your company is linked to the performance review process, competencies are assessed during performance review on the performance review form, which is expected to have a Competencies section.

The next stage after setting up the competency framework is creation of a performance review form that includes a Competencies section. This is performed by HR. Additionally, HR creates a performance review process, if necessary, which defines the performance review steps (responsible people who will be required to fill in the performance review form and in which order they will need to do it).

When the time for a performance review comes, and the performance review is based on a template with a Competencies section, the manager, when filling in the form, also assess employee’s competencies directly on the performance review form. Note that when a performance review for an employee is active, you will not be able to assess competencies for this employee on the Competencies page. The competency scores from the performance review form are also displayed on the My Competencies page (for the employee) as well as on the Employee Competencies Assessment page (for the manager).

On the performance review form, the calculated score, which is displayed on the I (Information) tab, is calculated using the scores from the Objectives, KPIs and Competencies sections. 

When the last stage of the performance review comes, according to the performance review workflow, the last responsible person fills in the form and submits the performance review. The final score and bonuses are calculated.

The assessment of competencies is also reflected on the Performance dashboard.

2b Not typical scenario: Assignment of competencies and their assessment (not linked to performance review)

If your company is not going to link the process of assessing competencies to the performance review process, employee’s competencies are assessed on the Competencies page independently of the performance review process.

The Competency Job Map shows all the competencies defined in the system and the corresponding job roles. If you see any competencies that are not assigned, but are relevant for the job role, click Include to assign them.

After a certain period of time, employee’s manager can assess an employee based the achieved competency level. Achieved competency level is compared to the target competency level. To assess competency level of an employee on an ongoing basis, the manager goes to My Team Performance > Competencies, selects and employee, and then selects View. On the Employee Competency Assessment page, the manager selects Assess (on top of the page to assess all competencies or next to a competency to assess an individual competency). Note that you cannot complete an ongoing competency assessment while the employee is actively undergoing a performance review. Optionally, the manager can add more competencies for assessment by selecting Add competencies for assessment on this page if necessary. Competencies added in such a way are not mandatory and will not have the required level to achieve.

By clicking Gap Analysis Chart, the manager can view the chart showing the difference between the required and actual employee level.

The results of competency assessment are reflected on the Performance dashboard.

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