Employee Menu Overview
  • 21 Feb 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Employee Menu Overview

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Article summary

Employee menu is available to all the employees after selecting the Employee role.

Lanteria HR can be used by the Employee role to work with the following processes:

  • View and edit personal details
  • Plan vacations and request absences
  • Work on the action items required by the HR processes
  • Create and update personal objectives and KPIs
  • Work with the performance review forms
  • Plan development activities, enroll for training
  • Plan their career path and goals
  • Sign documents
  • View the company information and recommend friends for the job openings

The availability of these functions depends on the system configuration. Companies can have different policies in terms of whether the employees can or cannot edit personal data, objectives and KPIs and so on. This guide describes all available functionality.

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