Generate Job Contract
  • 08 May 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Generate Job Contract

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Article summary

The job contract for the employee can be generated from the employee card. The document layout will be defined by the selected template (SharePoint content type). The document properties available for the document will also depend on the content type and will be filled in from the employee card data.

The content types can be managed in the SharePoint document library. The content types for job contracts are stored in the Job Contracts library available under Core HR > Documents. For each content type, you define the properties to be filled in when generating a contract in Lanteria HR. If you are inserting fields from the Employees list or Salary Details list and any lookup values are to be filled in, use the following field name construction: lookup field internal name_Value (for example, Manager_Value). Also, you attach a Word document that will be used as a template.

SharePoint is highly integrated with Microsoft Word. All the properties you define for the content type in SharePoint will be available as the Word document properties for the Word template behind the content type and generated job contract Word documents. When creating the template, you can insert these properties as automatic fields and the field values will be filled in automatically based on the employee card data or data entered by the user in Lanteria HR.

Do the following to generate a contract:

  1. Open the personal card of the employee for whom a contract is to be generated.
  2. On the ribbon, click Enhanced Details > Job Contracts.
  3. In the window that opens, select a content type the contract is to base on.
  4. Click Generate to generate a contract.
  5. The contract properties will be filled in based on the content type and employee card information. Click View to check the properties and modify them as necessary.
  6. Click Edit Item to modify the contract properties.
  7. The generated contract will be also available on the Core HR > Documents > Job Contracts page.

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