Request Vacation
  • 15 Jan 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Request Vacation

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Article summary

When planning a vacation, an employee registers a vacation request which then goes through the vacation approval workflow that is set up in the system.

Check Vacation Allowance

Before creating a vacation request, check your vacation allowance. From the Employee role menu, go to My Time and Attendance > My Absences and in the upper pane of the page, set the Type field to Vacations to view the information on vacation allowances.img019(2)

This will display the summary information on vacation allowance:

  • Total Paid Leave: the number of vacation days you can use during the current holiday year. It includes:
    • Accrued – the allowance accrued by the current date
    • Extra Time Off – extra paid leave accrued by special rules, for example, for anniversaries
    • Carried Over – paid leave amount that was carried over from the previous accrual period
    • Expired – if you have any carried over time off that expired, the number of expired days will be displayed here
    • Accrual Details – the absence allowance accrual rules based on which the current allowance was generated
  • Booked: the number of vacation days that you have requested already
    • Taken – the number of vacation days that have been used
    • Scheduled – vacation days that have been requested and approved, but have not been used yet
    • Pending – the number of vacation days that have been requested, but have not been approved yet
  • Leave Balance: the difference between Total and Booked paid leave amount
  • Booked Not Paid: the amount of already requested unpaid time off. This block only appears if there is any unpaid time off registered

Employees can view the vacation or any other absence type allowance for a future date, which is referred to as projected paid leave summary or paid leave forecast. To achieve this, in the Report Date field, select a date you are interested in, in the Type field, select an absence type and click View. The Total Leave, Booked and Leave Balance the employee is expected to have by the selected date will be displayed. The calculation will be based on the employee's current work pattern and absence plan settings, and the assumption that employee will not take any leave during that period. Please note that if an employee is terminated, or doesn't have an allowance record for today for the selected absence type, or doesn't have an absence plan with the set up section for the selected absence type, the forecast will not be displayed.

To view the information on special rules for the vacation, sickness and absence subtype allowances, click the View Special Rules Details link next to the View button at the top of the page. img050(2)

My Absences page also offers the options of making requests for vacations, absences, and sicknesses that will be sent to the manager for approval. The information on all the requests and their current approval statuses is also available here.

By default, the employee's manager is to approve the absence request. However, in the approval workflow HR process, another role can be configured as the role responsible for approving the absence request if necessary.

Below the vacation allowance, you can see the currently registered vacation requests and their status. By default, the Start Date filter is set to the accrual start date (also visible in the accrual details), however, you can change filters, such as start and end dates, absence type, or whether you want public holidays to be shown, and then click View.img170

Register a vacation request

Follow these steps to register a vacation request:

  1. Select the Employee role and click My Time & Attendance > My Absences.
  2. Click the Register Absence button and select Register Vacation Request from the drop-down menu.img021(2)
  3. Select the Start Date and Start Time. This is the date from which the allowance is counted.
  4. Specify the Return to Work Date and Return to Work Time. This is the date till which the allowance is counted.
  5. In the Notes section, type any notes to your request.
  6. Specify the vacation type for this request in the Vacation Type field. If there is a special rule for this vacation, the allowed number of days/hours will be restricted by the rule. The days you book will be taken from the general vacation allowance.
  7. In the Acting Person field, specify the name of the person who will provide absence approvals on behalf of you during your vacation period. You will also be able to approve the absence requests sent by your subordinates while you are off, provided that the Approval Typedefined for the approval workflow step isAny Approver.
  8. If you are off for several hours, you can specify the exact number of them in theNumber of Hoursfield. Please note that this option can be used only for absences that are less than 1 day. If the absence duration is 1 day or more, the automatically calculated number of hours will be registered.
  9. If the this absence is unpaid leave, select the Is Not Paid check box.
  10. Click Attach File to upload a file and attach it to this absence request if necessary. The attachment will be visible for the manager (or other responsible person) when approving the absence request if the responsible person views the absence request details.
  11. Click Save.
    HR can set up vacation restrictions for the periods when the company cannot approve employee vacations. For example, this can be the end of the year for the Finance department etc. If the dates in your vacation request fall within such period, the request will not be saved and a message informing you about the vacation restriction will be displayed.

The request will appear in your requests with the status Pending, meaning that it is awaiting approval from the manager.

For the requests scheduled to the future, the Request Change link is available. For the request with the dates in  the past, only the Request Cancellation link is available.

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