Advanced Time and Attendance Settings
  • 22 Mar 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Advanced Time and Attendance Settings

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Article summary

There is a number of advanced Time and Attendance settings that regulate the details of absence accrual and management.

To access them, go to Settings > Settings and Configuration > Time and Attendance, click Absences in the left panel and select the Advanced tab.

Please note that for any of these changes to take effect, you have to click the Apply Changes button.

The following advanced settings are available:

  • Disable Past Vacation Registration: Select this check box to block employees and managers from registering past vacations. By default, this check box is selected.
  • Hide sick leave details from managers: The sickness records will be displayed as absences and their details won't be available to the users with the manager role. After selecting this check box, the following changes will occur:
    • The absences of the Sickness type will be displayed Absence under My Team Attendance > Absences, in the Employee Absence Summary and Pending Absence Requests.
    • In the Employee Absence Summary, the Type filter will not contain the Sickness option.
    • Editing sickness records will be disabled.
    • The Notes field will be hidden.
    • In export mode, the columns Sub Type, Title, Notes will be removed. The Type field will display Absence instead of Sickness.
    • Sickness sub types and sickness data in special rules will be hidden.
  • Absence Accrual Rounding Format: Specifies the rule of absence accrual units rounding.
    The format is:
    .<#|##|###|5>, where
    1. + before the dot means Round Up
    2. - before the dot means Round Down
    3. no symbol before the dot means Round to Nearest
    4. #, ##
     or ### represents the number of digits to round to
    .5 means Round to Half-Unit
    1. +.## would mean Round up to two digits
    2. -.5 would mean Round down to half-unit
    3. +. would mean Round up to integer
    The default accrual rounding format is +.5.
  • Show Absences in Units: Specify whether absence records should be displayed in days, hours or both. The default value is Both.
  • Number of Years for Future Absences Accrual: If there is a need to generate absence allowances for future years as well, specify the number of years for additional generation. This option can be used to enable vacation and other absence planning for future periods. The default value is 0.
  • Years for Company Holiday Generation - Specify the number of years for which the public holidays can be prolonged. The same public holiday (same name, day and month) will be created for the number of years specified after the Generate Holiday for Following Years check box is selected for some holiday. Please note that only current year's holidays can be prolonged. 
  • Check Absence Overlapping: Select this box to block the employee from creating two absence records for the same dates. By default, the box is checked.
  • Ignore Company Holidays for Absence Types. If the Period Calculation Type setting in the absence plan is set to Calendar Days for some absence type, the days of the company holidays are still excluded when calculating absence duration for such absence type. To include the days of company holidays into the calculated duration, select absence type in the Ignore Company Holidays for Absence Types field.
  • Prorate Accruals Upon Termination: Check this box to prorate absence accruals when an employee is terminated based on the termination date. By default, the check box is selected.
  • Do Not Accrue Allowance During Unpaid Leave: Select this check box if you do not want the system to accrue absence allowances during the periods when employees take an unpaid leave of any type (unpaid vacation, sickness, absence or other). Allowance will be recalculated based on the following formula: Number of paid leave days based on the Paid Leave Calculation Rules * Current basis for allowance accrual (depends on Accrual Method) - number of unpaid leave days / Total number of days in a year. For example, if the Accrual Method is set to Yearly, Absence Allowance Accrual Type to By Calendar Days and employee takes 5 days of unpaid leave, the allowance will be recalculated as follows: 20*(365-5)/365 = 19.7. If under the same conditions, the Accrual Method is set to Daily and calculation is performed on March 1, 2017, the recalculation will be as follows: 20*((31+28+1)-5)/365 = 3.01. For more examples, refer to Allowance Generation Formulas and Examples.
    Please note that this rule will work for all the absence types, meaning that during the unpaid leave of any type, the allowance won't be accrued for any absence types. By default, the check box is cleared.
  • Accrue Last Period at Start: Select this check box for the allowance for the last month or week in the accrual year to be included at the beginning of the following year. Otherwise, the last week's or month's allowance will included in the end of the current year. Please note that this setting is relevant for the Monthly End and Bi-Weekly End types of absence accrual.
  • Exclude Absences before Employment Date: Select this check box if you want to exclude booked absences as well as accrued extra time off (extra paid leave accrued by special rules) and carried over days (paid leave amount that was carried over from the previous accrual period) that were booked (taken, scheduled, or pending approval) or accrued before the employment date from the calculation of leave balance. This setting may be useful when an employee is rehired and, therefore, may already have booked absences or accrued extra time off/carried over days from the previous employment, and you want to start calculation of leave balance afresh for such employees.
    Starting from version 20.4.6, absences taken before the employment or service date are always excluded from the calculation of leave balance. Which date is used depends on the Rules Calculation Type field in the Absence Allowances list: if the field is set to Length of Service, absences that had been taken by the employee before the service date will be excluded from the calculation of leave balance; if the if the field is set to Seniority, absences that had been taken by the employee before the employment date will be excluded. The Rules Calculation Type field is automatically filled in with value taken from the Type field of the corresponding leave calculation rule on the absence plan.
    The Exclude Absences before Employment Date setting was preserved for customers who might have custom jobs for calculating allowances. If the Type field of the corresponding leave calculation rule is empty, the Rules Calculation Type field will be empty as well, and in this case, the Exclude Absences before Employment Date setting will be used to define whether to exclude absences taken before the employment date from calculation of the leave balance.
  • Allow Negative Carried Over Units: When this check box is selected, it means that if overbooking is allowed for an absence plan and an employee used more absence allowances than allowed for him or her in the accrual period, the next accrual period will start with negative carried over units (unused vacation or sickness). If this setting is disabled, the next accrual period for this employee in this case will start will zero carried over units.
  • Send Calendar Appointments: Select this check box if you want Lanteria HR to send calendar appointments or appointment cancellations to the Microsoft Office Outlook calendar when an employee registers an absence or cancels a registered absence. With this check box selected:
    • When an employee registers an absence, in the Microsoft Outlook Calendar an appointment is created and an email notification about this is sent to the employee.
    • When an employee cancels a registered absence, an appointment removal notification is sent to the employee with the suggestion that they remove the appointment from the calendar.
  • Absence Allowance Accrual Type: Use this setting to define how the employee allowances for all the absence types are to be accrued and written off - based on working days or calendar days. If By Calendar Days is selected, the allowance will be calculated as a relation of the calendar days in the accrual period to the number of days in a year multiplied by the employee's annual allowance. If By Working Days is selected, the allowance will be calculated as a relation of the working days in the accrual period to the number of working days in a year multiplied by the employee's annual allowance.
     For example, an employee has monthly allowance accrual and the
    Absence Allowance Accrual Type field is set to By Calendar Days. The calculation will be as follows: 30 calendar days/365 days in a year * 20 days of allowance = 1.64. If the Absence Allowance Accrual Type field is set to By Working Days, the calculation will be: 22 working days/240 working days in a year * 20 days of allowance = 1.83.
    The Absence Allowance Accrual Type setting must correlate with the Period Calculation Type setting in the absence plans. Period calculation type defines how the absence time in the absence request is calculated - based on working days or calendar days. If allowance is accrued and written off based on working days, the absence request time must be calculated based on working days as well. If calendar days are selected as a basis for allowance accrual, Calendar Days must be selected for the Period Calculation Type, correspondingly.
  • Time & Attendance Storage: Select whether to store the Time and Attendance data in SharePoint or in SQL database. By default, Time and Attendance data storage is set to SharePoint.

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