Check-in Updates Overview Email Report
  • 07 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Check-in Updates Overview Email Report

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Article summary

On a weekly basis, an email notification is sent to every check-in session participant with an overview of updates in the check-in session(s) they are involved in if any. This notification contains a list of new check-in topic(s) added for the past week if added, including the topic authors and topic creation date and time, as well as the list of changed topics. A topic is considered changed only if its title is changed after 7 days have passed since the topic creation. Otherwise, the topic will be specified as new.

In addition, the notification will state whether there are new comments for existing topics, and if yes, the author as well as comment creation date and time will be specified.

The new/changed topics and new comments will be included in the email report until they have been read by the check-in participant.

For this email report, the LHR - Cumulative Reminders job is used, therefore this system job must be enabled for this feature.

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