Office 365 Integration
  • 13 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Office 365 Integration

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Article summary

Lanteria HR is integrated with Office 365. If any of the fields included into the field mapping is updated in Office 365, they will be synchronized to Lanteria HR (the Employees and Employment History lists). Also, new employees will be created with current assignments. 

To set up the integration, the following steps are to be performed:

  • Set up authentication through Identity Server 4
  • Set up data synchronization

Default Job Role and Org Unit in Lanteria HR

Prior to synchronizing data between Lanteria HR and Office 365, ensure that the following is done in Lanteria HR:

  • Create a job role with Code = Default
  • Create an org unit with Code = Default

This is required, because the JobTitle and Department fields are not mandatory in Microsoft Entra ID, while they are required in Lanteria HR. Therefore, to be able to synchronize data for employees that do not have job title and department specified, you need to create a default job role and default org unit so that such employees are created in Lanteria HR with Job Role = Default and Org Unit = Default.

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