View Goal Map in the Local HR Role
  • 17 Jul 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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View Goal Map in the Local HR Role

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Article summary

Goal map shows how the company, department and employee goals are aligned together. In the Local HR role, you can view the goal map specifically for areas of your responsibility, which are configured in Local HR settings.

To view the goal map in the Local HR role

  1. In the Local HR role, go to LHR Performance > Goals > Goal Map.
  2. Set filters, and then select View

Depending on what is shown on rows, you can view detailed information about employee objectives or org unit goals from the goal map:

  • If rows display employees, you can select Objectives at the end of a line to view personal employee goals or assign new qualitative or quantitative goals.
  • If rows display org units, you can select Goals at the end of a line to view goals for that org unit or add new org unit goals.

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