Zapier Integration
  • 14 Mar 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Zapier Integration

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Article summary

Lanteria HR is integrated with Zapier. This integration allows you to connect your Lanteria HR to 3, 000+ apps and automate various processes.

Once you add a connection to your Lanteria HR within your Zapier account, you can use the Lanteria HR app to connect your Lanteria HR with apps from the extensive Zapier catalog and create workflows called zaps. A zap performs certain action(s) based on triggers. Thus, when a condition of the trigger is met, the corresponding action(s) is automatically performed. You can use suggested zap templates as your starting point or create new workflows (zaps) from scratch to suit your needs.

The Zapier subscription plan defines the data update time (how often to check for triggered actions), the number of workflows (zaps) that can be created, and availability of other features.

Lanteria HR Triggers

Integration with Zapier provides the following Lanteria HR triggers that you can use in your zaps:

  • Created/modified employee – You can set up a zap where a created or changed employee in Lanteria HR will trigger a certain action(s) in the connected app. You can use the filter Is New = Yes so that only a new employee triggers the action(s).
  • Created/modified employee salary details – You can set up a zap where created or changed employee salary details in Lanteria HR will trigger a certain action(s) in the connected app. You can use the filter Is New = Yes so that only new employee salary details trigger the action(s). 
Triggers in the connected apps that can make Zapier perform actions in Lanteria HR will be different depending on the app that you connect the Lanteria HR app to and the workflow (zap) that you set them up in.

Lanteria HR Actions

Integration with Zapier provides the following Lanteria HR actions that you can use in your zaps:

  • Process Employee – You can set up a zap where a certain action in the connected app will create a new employee or update the existing one if the employee already exists.
  • Process Employee Salary Details – You can set up a zap where a certain action in the connected app will update the employee salary details. Note: You cannot create employee salary details in a zap (you can only update this information), because in Lanteria HR employee salary details are created along with the process of creating a new employee.
Actions in the connected apps that can be performed using the Lanteria HR triggers will be different depending on the app that you connect the Lanteria HR app to and the workflow (zap) that you set them up in.

Trigger Types

There are two types of triggers in Zapier:

  • Polling trigger: the majority of triggers are polling triggers (including the Lanteria HR app's triggers). With a polling trigger, Zapier will check for new data from your trigger every 1 to 15 minutes in order to start your Zap, depending on your Zapier pricing plan.
  • Instant trigger: with an instant trigger, your trigger app will send Zapier an instant notification whenever there's new data. Zaps with instant triggers are labeled Instant on your dashboard and in the Zap editor.

Zapier relies on a few methods to make sure that your Zap does not trigger multiple times for a single "new" item.

How to use integration of Lanteria HR with Zapier

  1. Create a Zapier account.
  2. In your Lanteria HR, configure integration with Zapier.
  3. In your Zapier account, add connection of the Lanteria HR app in Zapier to your Lanteria HR.
  4. Create workflows (zaps) to automate your processes.

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