Bonus Calculation Process
  • 23 Feb 2023
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Bonus Calculation Process

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Article summary

Which part of the target bonus the employee is entitled to is calculated based on the employee achievement for the personal objectives. Depending on the % Complete of each goal and the goal weight, the payout is calculated in the Performance Review Form (Performance > Performance Reviews > Reviews).image049

The payout is calculated as follows:

  • If achievement ≤ threshold, Payout = 0%
  • If achievement < target, Result = (actual - threshold)/(target - threshold)
  • If achievement ≥ target, Result = 1 + {(actual - target)/ (max - target) *[(max bonus % - target bonus %) / target bonus %]}

If the actual value is more than maximum value, the maximum value and not the actual result must be used in the calculation.

The calculated payout will be multiplied by the objective weight. The summary for all objectives will define which part of the target bonus is achieved.

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