Performance Reviews
  • 07 May 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Performance Reviews

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Article summary

This section guides through the process of assessing performance of employees using the Performance Reviews functionality of Lanteria HR.

After the HR person starts the performance review round, the system generates review forms for all the employees participating in the review. Employees can be included into the already generated review round using the ad hoc review option.

The form appearance and contents depend on the review form template. Current employee objectives, KPIs and other data can be copied to the review form.

The employees can work with the forms in Employee mode. When the employee finishes working on the form, it will be submitted for the manager’s or another person’s review, depending on the review workflow.

To help you understand the the performance review process, refer to the Performance Review Process overview.

Other performance assessment types

Lanteria HR provides multiple ways of assessing performance in addition to performance reviews:

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